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Anggrek-Gorontalo Port Officially Managed With a Non-State Budget Creative Funding Scheme

The Anggrek Port, located in North Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province, commencing Tuesday (28/9/2021) is officially managed by a consortium of private corporations.

The corporation is PT Anggrek Gorontalo International Terminal (AGIT) which is the winner of the project tender for the management of the Anggrek Port with the government and business entity (PPP) cooperation scheme.

In the inauguration of the management of the Anggrek Port, the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi told PT AGIT to always pay attention to technological developments and digital transformation, as well as being environmentally friendly or eco-port.

Budi Karya believes that PT AGIT has the credibility to carry out the management and development of the Anggrek Port.Therefore, he asked PT AGIT to continue to comply with the applicable regulations so that the Anggrek Port service can be carried out effectively and efficiently.

"I advise that PT AGIT can maintain its commitment and good faith in carrying out the construction and development of the Anggrek Port for the next 30 years," said Budi Karya, Tuesday (28/9/2021).

The presence of the Anggrek Port is expected to be able to improve logistics connectivity and encourage economic growth in Gorontalo and the surrounding area as well as increase Indonesia's competitiveness.

Previously, last July, the Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Sea Transportation and PT AGIT signed a cooperation agreement through the PPP scheme.

PT AGIT is a consortium consisting of a number of corporations such as PT Gotrans Logistics International, PT Anugerah Jelajah Indonesia Logistics, PT Titian Labuan Anugrah, and PT Hutama Karya (Persero).

Baca juga: Pelabuhan Merak–Bakauheni Jadi Usulan Pilot Project Tempat Promosi dan Pengembangan UMKM

The management of the Anggrek Port through the PPP scheme is a manifestation of the Government's commitment to continue the development of transportation infrastructure in Indonesia, especially ports, even in the midst of a pandemic and in the midst of the limitations of the state budget.

The investment value of the cooperation is IDR. 1.4 trillion and the operational costs are IDR. 5.2 trillion, which will be collaborated for 30 years.

Gorontalo Orchid Harbor is Officially Managed by a Private Company

The Anggrek Port, located in North Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province, commencing Tuesday (28/9/2021) is officially managed by a consortium of private corporations.

The corporation is PT Anggrek Gorontalo International Terminal (AGIT) which is the winner of the project tender for the management of the Anggrek Port with the government and business entity (PPP) cooperation scheme.

In the inauguration of the management of the Anggrek Port, the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi told PT AGIT to always pay attention to technological developments and digital transformation, as well as being environmentally friendly or eco-port.

Budi Karya believes that PT AGIT has the credibility to carry out the management and development of the Anggrek Port.Therefore, he asked PT AGIT to continue to comply with the applicable regulations so that the Anggrek Port service can be carried out effectively and efficiently.

"I advise that PT AGIT can maintain its commitment and good faith in carrying out the construction and development of the Anggrek Port for the next 30 years," said Budi Karya, Tuesday (28/9/2021).

The presence of the Anggrek Port is expected to be able to improve logistics connectivity and encourage economic growth in Gorontalo and the surrounding area as well as increase Indonesia's competitiveness.

Previously, last July, the Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Sea Transportation and PT AGIT signed a cooperation agreement through the PPP scheme.

PT AGIT is a consortium consisting of a number of corporations such as PT Gotrans Logistics International, PT Anugerah Jelajah Indonesia Logistics, PT Titian Labuan Anugrah, and PT Hutama Karya (Persero).

Baca juga: Pelabuhan Merak–Bakauheni Jadi Usulan Pilot Project Tempat Promosi dan Pengembangan UMKM

The management of the Anggrek Port through the PPP scheme is a manifestation of the Government's commitment to continue the development of transportation infrastructure in Indonesia, especially ports, even in the midst of a pandemic and in the midst of the limitations of the state budget.

The investment value of the cooperation is IDR. 1.4 trillion and the operational costs are IDR. 5.2 trillion, which will be collaborated for 30 years.

Gorontalo Anggrek Port developed into a logistics port

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The Anggrek Port will be developed into a logistics port (logistics port) to facilitate the flow of goods distribution and support national economic growth.

The project, which requires an investment of around IDR. 1.4 trillion, is believed to boost the economic growth of Gorontalo Province.

The Ministry of Transportation has appointed a consortium of PT Anggrek Gorontalo International Terminal (AGIT) as the developer of this port. This consortium consists of PT Gotrans Logistics International, PT Anugerah Jelajah Indonesia, PT Titian Labuan Anugrah, and PT Hutama Karya.

Rachmat Gobel, a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from Gorontalo, said that the development of the Anggrek Port will be carried out in two stages with full support from the government, State-Owned Enterprises and private investors.

"The development of the Anggrek Port uses the Government and Business Entity (PPP) cooperation scheme and this is an innovative financing scheme, so it does not use State Budget, but through non-State Budget creative funding," said Rahmat in his official statement, Thursday (23/9).

He explained that the submission of the Anggrek Port development project from the Class II Organizing Unit Office of Anggrek Port, Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transportation to AGIT is scheduled to be carried out on 28th September 2021 at the Anggrek Port, 

The construction of the first phase will begin in 2022-2023 which includes the construction of docks, container fields, cargo and other supporting facilities. While the second phase of development is planned in 2031 and 2032.

The development of the Anggrek Port to become a Logistics Port, said Rachmat, will be equipped with facilities and infrastructure that will be developed not only to increase port capacity, but also service quality.

"Therefore, this project will not only be limited to physical development, but also non-physical including management and human resources," said Rahmat.

He added, strengthening and increasing the capacity of the dock for containers that can accommodate tethered ships of 30,000 DWT (dead weight tons) and general cargo to accommodate ships of 10,000 DWT.

Development of loading and unloading terminals, improvement of loading and unloading services for containers, general bulk, liquid bulk and freezer containers.freezer container).

Furthermore, the development of goods terminal service facilities will be carried out such as container yards, dry bulk, general cargo and empty containers.empty container).

The Anggrek Port will also be equipped with goods consolidation and distribution services (CFS), Harbor Mobile Crane (HMC) loading and unloading equipment as well as container and cargo truck parking lots.

The existence of the Anggrek Port, continued Rachmat, will launch logistics movements and encourage economic growth in Gorontalo and the surrounding area.

With efficient and cost-effective loading and unloading services, price movements (inflation) will be more stable so that business risks will be reduced and this will automatically increase community economic activities, domestic and international trade.

He said the development of the Anggrek port based on the studies that had been carried out would encourage the transformation of the Gorontalo economy so that every existing potential could be maximally developed to improve the economy and welfare of the people of Gorontalo.

The presence of this port will support Rahmat's vision and mission to make Gorontalo as the fifth most advanced province in Indonesia by 2051.

"We will cooperate with the regional government and other business actors to find out how we can synergize to open new economic growth centers in the hinterland areas in various regencies, especially North Gorontolo Regency. That means it will open up new business opportunities and economic activities for the community,” he explained.

Even nationally, he continued, the development of this port will contribute to encouraging Gorontalo to appear as one of the National Food Barns. "As we know, the potential of this area in agriculture such as corn, cocoa, coconut, fisheries and various downstream areas is very large," he concluded.