Port Terminal
PT. Anggrek Gorontalo International Terminal (AGIT) is a private corporation appointed to be the Operator of Sea Ports in Anggrek, Gorontalo Province
Based on the Decree of the Director General of Sea Transportation Number KP.699/DJPL/2021 dated 18th June 2021 regarding the Appointment of the Winner of the Auction (Letter of Award) for the Procurement of Business Entities Implementing the Government Cooperation Project (KPBU) of the Port of Anggrek of Gorontalo Province, the PJPK has established a Consortium of Anggrek Gorontalo International Terminal: PT Gotrans Logistics International, PT Anugerah Jelajah Indonesia Logistics, PT Titian Labuan Anugrah, PT Hutama Karya (Persero) as the Winner Consortium.
- PT Gotrans Logistics International
- PT Anugerah Jelajah Indonesia Logistic
- PT Titian Labuan Anugrah
- PT Hutama Karya (Persero) sebagai Konsorsium Pemenang
The auctioneer appointed to be the operator of the Anggrek Port in Gorontalo Province.
However, this is only the first step, we continue to see opportunities to be able to develop ports in the archipelago which are also supported by the Government Program through the Ministry of Transportation.
Our Company

PT. Anggrek Gorontalo Internasional Terminal
From our gallery
Port Terminal

- +62 823 3609 5465
- Spazio Building PT TAKO ANUGERAH KOPORASI Lt 6 Unit 602 Surabaya
- info@tako.co.id


Contact Us
- +62 1298 2312 1234
- Jl. Perak Bar. No.69, RT.002/RW.12, Perak Bar., Kec. Krembangan, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60177
- Email@tako.co.id
Contact Us
- +62 31 99096605
- Jl. Perak Bar. No.69, RT.002/RW.12, Perak Bar., Kec. Krembangan, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60177
- info@tako.co.id